Home Sweet Home

"Home is where love resides, memories are created, friends & family belong & laughter never ends"


Looking for a New Home…

Buying a house is so exciting!!! We know it can be a little nerve-racking and scary, but we try to minimize that so you can focus on the fun, happy adventure you're about to move into!  Our process will help you stay true to what you really want and need, and we love helping you see the vision that each property offers and that can assist in bringing to life what you've been imagining!

  • While you can certainly buy a house on your own, we are even more certain that you will find it quite valuable to have our team in your corner! When you hire us, you no only get another set of eyes helping you search, but you also have us looking out for things that may not have hit the market yet. We help you fine tune your goals, and if the universe isn’t showing us matches in the market, we’ll put boots on the ground and proactively try to find your home match! We have systems in place make sure your purchase goes as smoothly as possible! This is a major decision, and a big purchase - so just like you wouldn't likely opt to represent yourself in court or suture yourself up after surgery... doesn't it make sense to hire an expert to help you navigate this decision, help keep emotions steady, and make sure you are reaching your goals with your risk minimized?

  • We are so excited to look at houses with you - first thing’s first though! Let’s follow our process to ensure you have the best outcome with your search. Have you spoken with a lender yet? This is a crucial first step if you are going to be financing. Let’s chat and we can make some recommendtions, connect you with lenders if you need one, and get your Free Buyer Consultation scheduled with us!

  • Everyone’s situation is different. So you can't just look at rates, because it may take years for them to drop significantly - or they could go up higher... You have to look at where you are, your personal financial situation and goals, and make an informed decision on whether it makes sense for YOU to buy. We're here to help walk you through that, with no pressure. If you're renting, rent's are not inexpensive and you're not getting anything from it -- therefore if it's between renting and buying - so despite interest rates, you're building equity when you invest in a home of your own.

  • Buying a home is a big purchase, but it's an investment. You have several costs associated with buying a home, besides just the purchase price. In terms of monthly expenditures, you have to consider taxes and insurance (which will be added to your mortgage in the form of escrow) as well as any potential HOA dues that the property may be subject to. During the purchase process, invoices incurred can be covered by Full Circle’s Concierge Service, so you don't have to worry about paying for anything out of pocket until closing (except for your appraisal and home deposits). Closing costs, which are due at the time of closing are in addition to your down payment - they include our compensation attorney fees, realtor compensation, escrows for taxes and insurance, pro-rated interest, reimbursement for inspections, lending fees, and sometimes miscellaneous fees related to closing like courier fees and wire fees. We find that closing costs are typically between and 3-7% of your purchase price. We will talk you through this more during your Buyer Consultation. If you're financing, your loan type dictates the amount of down payment required - this will typically range anywhere up to 25%. Your down payment is also required at the time of closing

  • NOW! Even if you don't want to make a move yet. Knowing that this is something you eventually want to do means that you may file your taxes differently, start saving more, pay off credit cards and loans to improve your credit score... working with a great real estate team like Full Circle and our preferred lenders, you will have guides that will help you position yourself to be financially ready when the time does come for you to start looking for homes! (And don't worry - you're not wasting anyone’s time. We are here to help you through the entire process - that may be a few months, and it may be years depending on your situation and your goals. We WANT you to come to us as soon as you start thinking that One Day... you want to buy a home!

Start your SEARCH |

Start your SEARCH |